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MMS Grip Truck

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Grip & Lighting Truck-

MMS has a 2.5 ton Grip and Lighting van available to rent. It carries industry standard grip equipment from Matthew’s and brand new high output Bi-color/RGB LED lights from Aputure, Nanlite, and Arri. We carry power solutions and extra toys such as a Dana dolly, DJI gimbals, motorized sliders, radios, and a large assortment of light modifiers. 

~See the full list below


Interested in renting a cameras too? See our camera and lens packages Here


We also supply a grip/gaffer that drives the truck to your location. He knows the truck, and equipment saving hours of OT on set and improving efficiency of the shoot. We can supply DP's, cinematographers, gaffers/grips, DIT's and editors to take care of your project from start to finish.


*See full pricing down below

*additional equipment can be rented upon request. 

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